The impact of Work-related asthma (WRA) on quality of life (QoL) and work productivity remains largely neglected/uncertain despite its high prevalence.
We aimed to investigate the association of WRA with QoL and work productivity as compared to subjects with asthma unrelated to work and those without asthma and rhinitis.
A cross-sectional survey was carried out among workers during their periodic occupational health visit in Belgium. The mini Asthma QoL Questionnaire (mAQLQ), Medical Outcome Study Short Form-8 (SF-8), and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment-General Health questionnaires were administered. Survey participants were divided into three groups: 1) WRA (current asthma with ≥2 respiratory symptoms at work, n=89); 2) non-WRA (current asthma without work-related respiratory symptoms, n=119); and 3) the reference group (no asthma and no lower respiratory, nasal, or eye symptoms; n=815). Associations of QoL and work productivity with WRA were evaluated by multivariable regression analyses.
WRA and having poor asthma control were significantly associated with lower global mAQLQ scores compared to non-WRA. Asthmatic subjects had significantly lower physical and mental health components of the SF-8 instrument and overall work productivity compared to the reference group, with greater impairment in WRA than non-WRA. Moreover, workers with WRA had higher percentages of doctor visits and income reduction due to respiratory symptoms than non-WRA. Work-related rhinitis and depression were associated with reduced QoL, independent of the effect of WRA.
Comprehensive management of WRA should be done to reduce the worsening of QoL and work productivity of those affected.
Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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