Vaccination coverage among US kindergartners from the 2023 to 2024 school year dropped for all reported vaccines from the year before, according to findings published by the CDC. Coverage ranged from 92.3% for the DTaP to 92.7% for the MMR vaccine, Georgina Peacock, MD, and colleagues found. Coverage with MMR, DTaP, poliovirus vaccine, and varicella vaccine decreased in more than 30 states, leading to approximately 280,000 kindergartners remaining without documented completion of the MMR vaccine series from 2023 to 2024. Further, exemptions from one or more vaccines increased to 3.3% from 2023 to 2024 compared with 3.0% the previous year. “The number of jurisdictions with exemption rates [greater than 5%], making them unable to achieve [95% or greater] MMR coverage even if every non-exempt kindergartner was vaccinated, increased from two in 2020 to 2021 to 14 in 2023 to 2024,” Dr. Peacock and colleagues wrote. “Approximately 280,000 (7.3%) kindergartners did not have documentation of two MMR doses and were potentially at risk for measles infection.”

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