When a potential disease-causing variant is detected in a proband, parental testing is used to determine the mode of inheritance. This study demonstrates that next-generation sequencing (NGS) is uniquely well suited for parental testing, in particular due to its ability to detect clinically relevant germline mosaicism. Parental variant testing by NGS was performed in a clinical laboratory for one year. The detection of mosaicism by NGS was compared to its detection by Sanger sequencing. Eight cases of previously unrevealed mosaicism were detected by NGS across eight different genes. Mosaic variants were differentiated from sequencing noise using custom bioinformatics analyses in combination with familial inheritance data and complementary Sanger sequencing. Sanger sequencing detected mosaic variants with allele fractions ≥8% by NGS, but could not detect mosaic variants below that level. Detection of germline mosaicism by NGS is invaluable to parents, providing a more accurate recurrence risk that can alter decisions on family planning and pregnancy management. Because NGS can also confirm parentage and increase scalability, it simultaneously streamlines and strengthens the variant curation process. These features make NGS the ideal method for parental testing, superior even to Sanger sequencing for most genomic loci.Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.
The Value of Parental Testing by Next-Generation Sequencing Includes the Detection of Germline Mosaicism.

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