Join us April 20 at 3:00PM EST for a live, interactive tweetchat with Meghana C. Karande, MD, on why digital health startups fail and why physicians should care. Points to be discussed are subject to change but will likely include:
- What it means for a digital health startup to fail, from a physician’s perspective and the most important reasons they fail.
- Why physicians should care whether or not digital health startups fail and why is this a problem for them.
- WHAT healthcare innovation is and how it is different from that of other industries, as well as barriers to innovation.
- Pitfalls for digital health startups to avoid and whether any companies are getting it right.
- How to help improve innovation; where the greatest potential for impact is in this area.
- How to define success in digital health as a physician.
- More…
How to Join the Chat
- Log into your Twitter account. Don’t have an account? Where have you been?! Just kidding, we don’t judge, but you should get one! It’s easy to create, and free. You’ll be glad you did.
- A couple minutes before the chat, Search Twitter (top right of every Twitter page) for #PWChat.
- On the search results page, click Latest at the top left. This will show you all the latest tweets using the #PWChat hashtag. The page will automatically update every couple minutes, letting you know how many new tweets there are using the #PWChat hashtag.
- Answer questions, reply to other’s comments, or make a comment of your own as much and as often as you like. Just make sure to leave room in include #PWChat to make sure what you tweet is included in the chat. Otherwise, it won’t be seen.
- While you’re at it, be sure to follow @physicianswkly and @MeghanaKarande!
About Dr. Karande
Meghana C. Karande, MD, is a pain and rehabilitation medicine physician and is currently a clinical and strategic advisor to digital health startup companies. She is also a partner at Amplify Resources Group and a mentor at Medstartr. She is a clinician with a broad understanding of challenges of the current healthcare landscape, and is passionate about physician and patient viewpoints on technology and barriers to adoption, as well as systems thinking, making an impact treating the underserved, health disparities, and SDOH.
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