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Surgery General

Visceral Artery Pseudoaneurysm in Necrotizing Pancreatitis

Aug 11, 2020

Visceral artery pseudoaneurysm (VA-PSA) is an important complication that can occur after pancreatic surgery and in the setting of acute and chronic pancreatitis. “VA-PSA can significantly impact pa...

Early gastric cancer and lymphatic involvement

Aug 07, 2020

The prognosis of early gastric cancer (EGC) is better than invasive gastric carcinoma, with a 5-year survival rate of more than 905 after surgery. However, the involvement of lymph nodes and lymphatic...

Assessing the Impact of Distance to Kidney Transplant Centers

Jul 07, 2020

Most patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) who are on dialysis will need to be referred from a dialysis facility to a kidney transplant center for a medical evaluation to potentially begin the...

Assessing MRSA Risk in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit: Who Warrants Empiric Therapy?

Jul 06, 2020

Data showing an increase in prevalence of MRSA and other multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) infections in ICU patients suggests that antimicrobial resistance continues to increase in this population...

Necrosis Morphology & Percutaneous Drainage for NP

May 28, 2020

“The ability to predict those patients with necrotizing pancreatitis (NP) likely to succeed with percutaneous drainage (PD) alone (and conversely those patients likely to require an escalation to mo...

Bariatric Surgery & Adolescent Nutritional Deficiency Risks

May 26, 2020

Research indicates that rates of severe obesity among adolescents are increasing around the world, with no signs of slowing. Although the first recommended intervention for severely obese adolescents ...

Predicting Post-TAVI, In-Hospital Mortality

May 22, 2020

Prior research has assessed post-transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) mortality in patients with heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and with reduced ejection fractio...

Validating the APPROACH CVICU Readmission Score

May 16, 2020

Published reports indicate that as many as 8% of cardiac surgical patients are readmitted to a cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU) during the same hospital stay, with readmission associated wit...

Covid-19: High Mortality Seen in Heart Transplant Patients

May 15, 2020

Small series points to complex issues for HT patients with Covid-19 Over an 8-week period beginning March 1, doctors at a large academic medical center in New York confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in 2...

A Novel Endoscopic Technique for Achalasia

May 05, 2020

Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)—a relatively new technique in therapeutic flexible gastrointestinal endoscopy—has enabled those performing endoscopy to create a new working space outside the lum...

Deceased Donor Kidneys With AKI & Recipient Graft Survival

May 01, 2020

According to current estimates, 95,000 patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the United States who have cleared medical evaluations to receive a deceased donor kidney remain on the waiting l...

Recurrence after elective incisional hernia repair is more frequent than you think: An international prospective cohort from the French Society of Surgery.

Apr 28, 2020

The French Society of Surgery has endorsed a cohort aiming to prospectively assess the frequency of recurrence after incisional hernia repair and to identify the risk factors.Consecutive patients unde...

Development and Assessment of the Wisconsin Surgical Coaching Rubric.

Apr 28, 2020

Surgical coaching continues to gain momentum as an innovative method for continuous professional development. A tool to measure the performance of a surgical coach is needed to provide formative feedb...

Patient complexity by surgical specialty does not correlate with work relative value units.

Apr 28, 2020

Understanding the differences in how patient complexity varies across surgical specialties can inform policy decisions about appropriate resource allocation and reimbursement. This study evaluated var...

Radiofrequency Ablation of Prelemniscal Radiations for the Treatment of Non-Parkinsonian Tremor.

Apr 28, 2020

Previous reports proposed prelemniscal radiations (Raprl) as a target to treat motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and this was found particularly effective to control rest and postural tremor. How...

Post-Implantation Syndrome is Not Associated With Mins (Myocardial Injury After Non-Cardiac Surgery) After EVAR.

Apr 28, 2020

Post-implantation syndrome (PIS) is the clinical and biochemical expression of an inflammatory response following endovascular aneurysm repair, with a reported incidence ranging from 2-100%. Although ...

Unprofessional Behavior by Surgeons & Surgical Complications in Patients

Apr 27, 2020

With healthcare systems placing greater emphasis on improving safety and quality, efforts to gain a better understanding of possible threats to the delivery of reliable care are becoming increasingly ...

Intestinal Oxygenation and Survival After Surgery for Necrotizing Enterocolitis: An Observational Cohort Study.

Apr 24, 2020

To assess whether regional intestinal oxygen saturation (rintSO2) and regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rcSO2) measurements aid in estimating survival of preterm infants after surgery for NEC.Predi...

Impact of Facilitation of Early Mobilization on Postoperative Pulmonary Outcomes After Colorectal Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Apr 24, 2020

To estimate the extent to which staff-directed facilitation of early mobilization impacts recovery of pulmonary function and 30-day postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) after colorectal surger...

Video Laryngoscopy FPS Rate

Apr 13, 2020

Using direct laryngoscopy (DL) using a Macintosh blade is the traditional, standard technique for endotracheal intubation. Over the last decade, the frequency of video laryngoscopy (VL) use has increa...


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