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Sleep Disorders

Impedance-pH monitoring Profile of Patients with Reflux and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Controlled Study.

Feb 25, 2021

To study the profile of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) at the hypopharyngeal-esophageal multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring (HEM...

Associations between symptoms of pain, insomnia and depression, and frailty in older adults: A cross-sectional analysis of a cohort study.

Feb 25, 2021

Frailty is prevalent in older adults and has adverse effects on multiple health outcomes. Pain, insomnia, and depressive symptoms are commonly seen and treatable symptoms in older adults and are assoc...

Revisiting nocturnal heart rate and heart rate variability in insomnia: A polysomnography-based comparison of young self-reported good and poor sleepers.

Feb 25, 2021

Primary insomnia is often considered a disorder of 24-hr hyperarousal. Numerous attempts have been made to investigate nocturnal heart rate (HR) and its variability (HRV) as potential pathophysiologic...

Can acupuncture improve objective sleep indices in patients with primary insomnia? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Feb 22, 2021

The efficacy of acupuncture for treating primary insomnia (PI) has been explored in several meta-analyses where the outcomes measures were based on subjective self-reported sleep rating scales. Sleep ...

Impact of a brief behavioral treatment for insomnia (BBTi) on metacognition in older adults.

Feb 22, 2021

Brief (≤4 sessions) behavioral treatment for insomnia (BBTi) improves insomnia symptoms in older adults. Findings for BBTi-related improvements in objective cognition are mixed, with our recent tria...

Estimating Repeat Traumatic Brain Injury in the U.S. Military, 2015-2017.

Feb 18, 2021

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant health issue among deployed and non-deployed U.S. military service members (SMs). Since 2000, an estimated 413,858 SMs have been diagnosed with at least o...

Associations between feelings/behaviors during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and depression/anxiety after lockdown in a sample of Chinese children and adolescents.

Feb 18, 2021

Children and adolescents may be more susceptible to mental disorders due to COVID-19 pandemic than adults. This study aimed to identify correlated factors for depression/anxiety among children and ado...

Molecular determinants of obstructive sleep apnea.

Feb 18, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized as recurrent episodes of obstruction in the upper airway during the period of sleep. The condition occurs in approximately 11% and 4% of middle-aged men ...

Healthcare workers' sleep and mood disturbances during COVID-19 outbreak in an Iranian referral center.

Feb 15, 2021

This study aimed to assess the frequency of sleep and mood disturbances, and their association with COVID-like symptoms in healthcare workers (HCWs) with and without positive Coronavirus RT-PCR in a c...

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Personnel in the U.S. Military Have Higher Risk of Insomnia and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Large Retrospective Cohort Study.

Feb 15, 2021

We conducted a retrospective cohort study of the risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), affective disorders, alcohol/substance-related disorders, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and insomnia, amon...

Emergent academic skills growth in New Zealand pre-school children undergoing treatment for sleep disordered breathing: a case-control pilot study.

Feb 15, 2021

The main objective of this study was to explore the feasibility and treatment sensitivity of measures of preschool oral language and emergent literacy and numeracy for assessing developing skills of p...

Sleep and Mental Health among Paramedics from Australia and Saudi Arabia: A Comparison Study.

Feb 11, 2021

Paramedics face many challenges while on duty, one of which is working different types of shifts. Shift work has been linked to a number of health issues such as insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Bes...

Insomnia symptoms and biomarkers of monocyte activation, systemic inflammation, and coagulation in HIV: Veterans Aging Cohort Study.

Feb 11, 2021

Insomnia may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in HIV (HIV-CVD); however, mechanisms have yet to be elucidated.We examined cross-sectional associations of insomnia symptoms with biological m...

A 3D-printed microfluidic platform for simulating the effects of CPAP on the nasal epithelium.

Feb 11, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a chronic disorder that involves a decrease or complete cessation of airflow during sleep. It occurs when the muscles supporting the soft tissues in the throat relax ...

Xerostomia and hyposalivation in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

Feb 08, 2021

(a) To report the xerostomia prevalence and severity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). (b) To assess the saliva pH in patients with OSA.Simultaneous cohort observational clinical study.I...

Sleep in children and young adults with interstitial and diffuse lung disease.

Feb 08, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common in adult patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of OSA and sleep quality in children and young adult...

Systematic assessment of autonomic symptoms in restless legs syndrome.

Feb 08, 2021

To compare the clinical features of autonomic dysfunction using the SCOPA-AUT questionnaire in untreated patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) with controls, to identify factors associated with m...

A new approach to the clinical subclassification of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

Feb 04, 2021

Heart failure with preserved ejection (HFpEF) represents nearly half of all patients with heart failure (HF). The objective of this study was to determine whether patient characteristics identify disc...

C-reactive protein and risk of obstructive sleep apnea in four US cohorts.

Feb 04, 2021

Individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have elevated levels of inflammatory markers, but no prospective study has examined the role of inflammation in the development of OSA.Is C-reactive prot...

Whole blood transcriptome analysis using RNA sequencing in individuals with insomnia disorder and good sleepers: a pilot study.

Feb 04, 2021

Insomnia is a highly prevalent condition that is associated with negative health outcomes, yet little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms.RNA sequencing was conducted using blood sample...