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Psychiatry General

Coronally Advanced flap vs Tunnel technique for the treatment of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences with the connective tissue graft: A randomized, controlled, clinical trial.

Mar 20, 2023

To evaluate the efficacy of coronally advanced flap (CAF) vs tunnel technique (TUN) in covering isolated midfacial peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences (PSTDs).Twenty-eight participants presenting wit...

Can disorders of subjective time inform the differential diagnosis of psychiatric disorders? A transdiagnostic taxonomy of time.

Mar 20, 2023

Time is a core aspect of psychopathology with potential for clinical use and early intervention. Temporal experience, perception, judgement and processing are distorted in various psychiatric disorder...

Polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, pesticides, and diabetes in the Anniston Community Health Survey follow-up (ACHS II).

Mar 20, 2023

Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds measurements were added to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides to expand the exposure profile in a follow-up to the Anniston Community Heal...

Who bears the load?IOP-induced collagen fiber recruitment over the corneoscleral shell.

Mar 20, 2023

Collagen is the main load-bearing component of cornea and sclera. When stretched, both of these tissues exhibit a behavior known as collagen fiber recruitment. In recruitment, as the tissues stretch t...

Effectiveness of CBT on Diabetes Distress, Health Anxiety, Depression, QoL, and Treatment Adherence in T2DM Patients

Mar 17, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Cognitive behavior therapy for diabetes distress, depression, health anxiety, quality of life and treatment adherence among patients with type-II diabetes mellitus...

Clinical Case Report: OCD and Conradi-Hünerman-Happle Syndrome

Mar 16, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Conradi-Hünerman-Happle Syndrome and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: a clinical case report,” published in the February 2023 issue of Psychiatry by Jesus, et a...

Exploring the Importance of Database Selection for Defining Postoperative Delirium

Mar 15, 2023

The following is a summary of the “A retrospective analysis of the incidence of postoperative delirium and the importance of database selection for its definition,” published in the February 2023 ...

Observational Cohort Study of Catatonia in Adults with Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis

Mar 14, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Catatonia in adult anti-NMDAR encephalitis: an observational cohort study,” published in the February 2023 issue of Psychiatry by Wu, et al. Anti-N-methyl...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Through Telephone Treatments

Mar 13, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Telephone treatments in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies services: an analysis of use and impact on treatment uptake,” published in the February 2022 ...

Feasibility and clinical utility of using the tone matching test for assessment of early auditory processing in schizophrenia.

Mar 13, 2023

Early auditory processing (EAP) deficits are prevalent in schizophrenia and linked to disturbances in higher order cognition and daily functioning. Treatments that target EAP have the potential to dri...

Uric acid is negatively associated with cognition in the first- episode of schizophrenia.

Mar 13, 2023

We explored the relationship between levels of serum uric acid (UA) and cognitive impairment in people with schizophrenia to order to better protect and improve cognitive function in such patients.A u...

Learning strategy impacts medical diagnostic reasoning in early learners.

Mar 13, 2023

Relating learned information to similar yet new scenarios, transfer of learning, is a key characteristic of expert reasoning in many fields including medicine. Psychological research indicates that tr...

Sleep changes during a spontaneous manic episode: PSG assessment in a clinical context.

Mar 13, 2023

Sleep plays a key role in the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of mood disorders. However, only a few studies have investigated sleep architecture during the manic episodes of Bipolar Disorder (...

How to set up a mobile X-ray unit in the community - Implementation initiatives for patient-centred care.

Mar 13, 2023

Mobile X-ray unit have previously been widely used within hospitals in general, predominately for imaging patients admitted to intensive care units or for patients who cannot tolerate a visit to the r...

Prospective Comparative Study of Perceived Trauma and Anxiety among COVID-19 Patients

Mar 09, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Higher anxiety and perceived trauma among COVID-19 patients: a prospective comparative study,” published in the February 2023 issue of Psychiatry by Kordi, et al...

Preventive Blended Care Parenting for PTSD Parents

Mar 07, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Study protocol: development and randomized controlled trial of a preventive blended care parenting intervention for parents with PTSD,” published in the February...

Salivary Steroid Hormones in ASD Boys

Mar 06, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Analysis of salivary steroid hormones in boys with autism spectrum disorder,” published in the February 2022 issue of Psychiatry by He, et al. ASD is a ne...

The effect of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in people with comorbid insomnia and sleep apnoea: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Mar 06, 2023

Comorbid insomnia and sleep apnoea (COMISA) is a highly prevalent and debilitating sleep disorder. Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi) may be an appropriate treatment for COMISA; however...

Relapse in patients with schizophrenia and amisulpride-induced hyperprolactinemia or olanzapine-induced metabolic disturbance after switching to other antipsychotics.

Mar 06, 2023

Hyperprolactinemia and metabolic disturbance are common side effects of antipsychotics that cause intolerance. Despite its potential influence on relapse, there are no established guidelines for antip...

Quirky conversations: how people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia do dialogue differently.

Mar 06, 2023

People with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (PSz) have difficulty engaging in social interaction, but little research has focused on dialogues involving PSz interacting with partners who are unaware of t...