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The efficacy of oxytocin gel in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

Sep 18, 2023

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is a common and disturbing issue in the postmenopausal period. Unlike vasomotor symptoms, it has a progressive trend. Our study aims to evaluate the efficacy ...

Risk of endometrial polyp and surgical intervention in postmenopausal women with proliferative endometrium.

Sep 18, 2023

To study the long-term risks of postmenopausal women with proliferative endometrium developing benign uterine pathologies (endometrial polyps and uterine fibroids) and requiring future gynecological i...

Dysfunction of the salivary and lacrimal glands after radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer: Results of the START study after 6-months of follow-up.

Jun 12, 2023

Understanding of changes in salivary and lacrimal gland functions after radioiodine therapy (131I-therapy) remains limited; and, to-date no studies have evaluated dose-response relationships between a...

Physiological and Environmental Factors Affecting Cancer Risk and Prognosis in Obesity.

Jun 12, 2023

Obesity results from a chronic excessive accumulation of adipose tissue due to a long-term imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. Available epidemiological and clinical data strongly support...

MetS Is Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis in Women

Apr 24, 2023

Women with severe metabolic syndrome (MetS) are at risk for greater structural knee osteoarthritis progression. Metabolic syndrome (MetS)—a clustering of abdominal obesity and other metabolic...

Updated results from RxPONDER confirm importance of menopausal status on treatment efficacy

Dec 14, 2021

The phase 3 RxPONDER trial evaluated the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy followed by endocrine therapy in women with HR-positive, HER2-negative, early-stage breast cancer and 1–3 positive nodes. Up...

Menstrual factors, reproductive history, and risk of lung cancer: a multi-center population-based cohort study in Chinese females.

Dec 06, 2021

Female menstrual and reproductive factors, as remarkable indicators of hormone effect, were hypothesized to be associated with lung cancer risk, whereas the existed epidemiological evidence was incons...

A conceptual model of vulnerability to care delay among women at risk for uterine cancer.

Dec 06, 2021

Care delay may allow for cancer progression prior to treatment initiation. However, in endometrial cancer, quantitative data to support this hypothesis is mixed. Factors that cuase delay prior to clin...

Impact of yoga intervention on menopausal symptoms-specific quality of life and changes in hormonal level among menopausal women.

Jul 15, 2021

The menopause transition is experienced by women often involves troublesome symptoms due to changes in the level of reproductive hormones. Non-hormonal therapies are more commonly accepted by women th...

Aging and changes in adiposity indices: the impact of menopause.

Jul 15, 2021

Aging is associated with significant changes in fat distribution and menopause may alter this process. This study aimed to investigate the longitudinal effect of menopause on changes in adiposity indi...

Safety of hormone replacement therapy in women with a history of cervical adenocarcinoma.

Jul 15, 2021

Studies investigating the safety of hormone replacement therapy in cervical cancer have predominantly included patients with squamous disease. Pathological studies have identified estrogen receptor po...

Line inhibits osteoclast differentiation and suppresses bone mineral density reduction in the ovariectomy‑induced osteoporosis model.

Jul 01, 2021

Bone homeostasis is maintained by osteoclasts that absorb bone and osteoblasts that form bone tissue. Menopausal osteoporosis is a disease associated with aging and hormonal changes due to menopause c...

"Since I'm a little bit more mature": contraception and the arc of time for women in midlife.

Apr 12, 2021

Contraceptive methods have rapidly evolved over the past several decades, but little research has explored how women interact with contraception over time. Exploring contraceptive beliefs, perceptions...

Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Women's Sexual Health Clinic in the Management of Sexual and Menopausal Symptoms After Pelvic Radiotherapy.

Mar 25, 2021

The objective of this study was to examine patterns of care and outcomes of female cancer patients treated for sexual and menopausal symptoms following pelvic radiotherapy (PRT) at our institution's m...

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller) for the management of menopausal women's health: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Mar 18, 2021

This review aimed to evaluate the current evidence on the effectiveness and safety of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller) for managing menopausal women's health. Fourteen databases were searched. We in...

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency in women with Addison's disease.

Mar 11, 2021

Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined by menopause before 40 years of age. POI prevalence is higher among women with autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD) than in the general population, but the...

Urogenital atrophy: The 'unknown factors' challenging current practice.

Mar 08, 2021

Urogenital atrophy occurs as a result of the effect of estrogen deficiency on the tissue quality in the vulva, vagina, urethra and bladder. It is a common consequence of the menopause, with possibly u...

Women with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) experience a shorter reproductive period compared with nondiabetic women: the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications (EDC) study and the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN).

Mar 04, 2021

Evidence suggests that insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia may disrupt the female reproductive system's normal function, leading to delayed menarche and premature ovarian aging. We thus compared the ...

Associations between reproductive factors and biliary tract cancers in women from the Biliary Tract Cancers Pooling Project.

May 26, 2020

Gallbladder cancer (GBC) has a female predominance, although other biliary tract cancers (BTCs) such as extrahepatic and intrahepatic bile duct (EHBDC and IHBDC) and ampulla of Vater (AVC) have a male...

The Effect of a Midwife-Based Group Discussion Education on Sexual Dysfunction Beliefs in Rural Postmenopausal Women.

May 26, 2020

Correcting sexual beliefs can affect women's sexual function. There are very limited interventional studies on correcting the sexual dysfunction beliefs in postmenopausal women living in rural areas. ...


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