OB/GYN General
Jul 12, 2016
For decades marketers have tailored their messages and delivery tactics based on the target audience to help increase sales of products and services. Today, physicians and healthcare executives must f...
Jul 07, 2016
Congratulations to Daniel R. Lattanzi, MD, of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for being recognized as this month’s “Heroes in Medicine” recipient from Physician’s Weekly. Dr. La...
Jun 28, 2016
Just when it seemed that missing cases of microcephaly in Colombia were straining the credibility of the Zika virus' connection to the birth defects, the latest report from Colombia includes five new ...
Jun 09, 2016
A new study assessed whether quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccination is associated with increased incidence of new-onset autoimmune disease in girls and women with pre-existing autoimmune...
Jun 09, 2016
The little-known member of the human herpesvirus family called HHV-6A infects the lining of the uterus in 43% of women with unexplained infertility but cannot be found in uterine lining of fertile wom...
Jun 09, 2016
Congratulations to Patrick Gerard O’Connor, MD, MPH, FACP, of the Yale School of Medicine for being the winner of the “Heroes in Medicine” award from Physician’s Weekly for June 2016. Dr. O...
Jun 05, 2016
Penicillin G benzathine is the recommended treatment for syphilis and the only recommended treatment for pregnant women infected or exposed to syphilis. Pfizer, the sole manufacturer of Bicillin L-A®...
May 27, 2016
Medicine is one of the highest-paying professions, but whether doctors are able to manage their money wisely is another question. Just 28% of working doctors feel very confident they are making the be...
May 10, 2016
// // // // // // // In a study prompted in part by suggestions from people with mental illness, Johns Hopkins researchers found that a history of Candida yeast infections was more c...
May 05, 2016
Congratulations to Kathleen M. Schmeler, MD, of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital for being the winner of the“Heroes in Medicine” award from Phys...
Sep 01, 2015
Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that serious adverse outcomes appear to be less common in the second pregnancies of women with preexisting diabetes. The investigators note, however, that ...
Jul 07, 2015
Nearly 20,000 physicians across 25 specialties responded to Medscape’s 2015 Compensation Survey. Check out our infographic! The top three earners this year are Orthopedics (421k), Cardiology (376...
Jun 15, 2015
A woman in California is suing her obstetrician because he performed an episiotomy that she had specifically requested not be done. A relative of the patient shot a video of the entire delivery, Showe...
Mar 16, 2015
To a physician, any disease-related death is one too many. But death is a certainty of life; and despite best efforts, deaths from cancer, heart disease and/or Alzheimer's are more readily understood,...
Jul 11, 2014
The American College of Physicians (ACP) has issued new controversial clinical guidelines recommending against screening pelvic examinations in asymptomatic, nonpregnant, adult women. Just published ...
Apr 04, 2014
Source: BestMedicalDegrees.com Modern medicine has helped lead to a surge in average life expectancy, which was only about 36 in the late 1800s. With humans routinely living into their 100s, advanc...
Sep 03, 2013
As one of the leading causes of maternal mortality worldwide, pre-eclampsia does not distinguish between social status, and its causes are poorly understood. Hypertension higher than 140 mmHg systol...
Jul 02, 2013
The Particulars: Screening mothers during their first trimester enables clinicians to detect if fetuses are at risk for major congenital heart disease (CHD) early. The value and applicability of fetal...
Jul 01, 2013
Minneapolis, MN: Researchers have announced the results of a retrospective 5-year study, which shows that echocardiography can be useful in identifying new strategies for combatting the growth failure...
May 16, 2013
SAN FRANCISCO — Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy may signal future arrhythmia and heart failure risk in middle age, a population-based study affirmed. Heart failure risk was 88% higher among w...