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Critical Care General

Caring for COPD Caregivers

Apr 23, 2015

As COPD progresses, patients with the disease experience more frequent bouts of shortness of breath and exacerbations. Activities of daily living become increasingly difficult, often leaving family ...

Insights on “Alarm Fatigue”

Apr 13, 2015

The term “alarm fatigue” refers to when clinicians are desensitized by alarms, many of which sound off despite being false or clinically irrelevant. As a result, alarm sounds can become background...

The Increasing Costs of COPD

Apr 01, 2015

Chronic lower respiratory disease—the large majority of which is COPD—currently ranks as the third leading cause of mortality in the United States. Recent estimates of the costs associated with ch...

Previous Respiratory Disease & Lung Cancer

Apr 01, 2015

Studies have suggested a relationship between previous respiratory diseases and a lung cancer diagnosis. Most of this research has been conducted in Asian populations and does not account for the high...

Life Expectancy in 2013

Mar 16, 2015

Life expectancy at birth represents the average number of years that a group of infants would live if the group was to experience throughout life the age-specific death rates present for their year of...

STS 2015

Mar 09, 2015

New research was presented at STS 2015, the annual meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, from January 24 to 28 in San Diego. The features below highlight some of the studies that emerged from t...

Guidelines for Diagnosing OSA

Feb 23, 2015

Between 10% and 17% of Americans have moderate to severe sleep apnea, according to recent estimates. The prevalence of the condition has been increasing in recent years, due in part to the escalating ...

Assessing Asthma Control

Feb 23, 2015

The Asthma Control Test (ACT) has long been used as a quick survey to assess how well asthma symptoms are controlled among patients aged 12 and older, while the Childhood ACT (CACT) is used for such t...

A Look at Smoking Among Cancer Survivors

Feb 01, 2015

The 2014 Surgeon General’s Report concluded that smoking by cancer patients and survivors increases overall mortality, cancer- specific mortality, and risk for second primary cancers. Studies have f...

Is Medical Care Becoming Unaffordable?

Jan 07, 2015

As the second enrollment period for insurance exchanges under the ACA opened in November, many people are feeling the squeeze of the financial burdens being placed on them. While the ACA (Obamacare, a...

CT-Based Lung Cancer Screening in HIV

Dec 29, 2014

Studies have found that patients with HIV have a two- to five-fold greater risk of lung cancer when compared with patients from the general population. Other research has suggested that CT-based lung ...

Smoking Among Youths

Dec 15, 2014

More than a quarter-million youth who had never smoked used e-cigarettes in 2013. ...

AHA 2014: Persistent Asthma Linked With CVD

Nov 18, 2014

The Particulars: Research shows that chronic asthma and cardiovascular disease (CVD) share a common inflammatory pathophysiology. However, few studies have explored the potential association between p...

Severe Chronic Bronchitis in Advanced Emphysema

Nov 13, 2014

Studies have shown that chronic bronchitis occurs in 18% to 45% of patients with COPD and is associated with a higher risk for exacerbations and hospitalizations as well as an accelerated decline in l...

Transformative Leadership Begins with Self-Development

Nov 10, 2014

If healthcare leaders want to transform our healthcare system so it is truly patient-centered and cost-effective and if we are serious about creating a culture of health in which we are preventing dis...

CHEST 2014: ECMO for Refractory ARDS

Nov 03, 2014

The Particulars: Several reports have shown that survival can improve with the early use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in patients with refractory acute respiratory distress syndrome (...

CHEST 2014: A Novel Approach to ED Thoracotomy Training

Nov 03, 2014

The Particulars: Previous studies have shown that ED thoracotomy (EDT) is a rare occurrence and that training general surgery residents in the procedure can be challenging. A hybrid simulation was des...

CHEST 2014: Transthoracic Ultrasound for CAP in the ED

Nov 03, 2014

The Particulars: Data are lacking on the accuracy of transthoracic ultrasound in the diagnosis and follow-up of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the ED. Data Breakdown: For a study, patients w...

CHEST 2014: Predicting Time to Wean in ARDS

Nov 03, 2014

The Particulars: Studies attempting to identify predictors of weaning outcomes in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have had mixed results because they use different ARDS criteria and have he...

CHEST 2014: Adding ECMO to CPR

Nov 03, 2014

The Particulars: Research indicates that less than 50% of sudden cardiac death patients survive with conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and less than 20% survive to hospital discharge. ...


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