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Author: PWeekly

Monotherapy for Dysthyroid Optic Neuropathy

Physician’s Weekly spoke recently with Roman Shinder, MD, FACS, from the Departments of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, about study results he and his colleague, Anna Artymowicz, MD, presented...

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Dry Eye & Visual Complaints in the Virtual Classroom

When virtual schooling became the new norm during the COVID-19 pandemic, ophthalmologists predicted an increase in digital eye strain in children. Study results have confirmed that the increased screen time did lead to more eye...

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Sirolimus Reduces Signs & Symptoms of Dry Eye

In a randomized, triple-blind, phase II clinical trial, investigators sought to determine the effectiveness of a subconjunctival novel sirolimus liposomal formulation for treating dry eye. The study, which included 19 patients...

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Nasal Spray Effective for Treating Dry Eye

New treatments are needed to improve the signs and symptoms of dry eye, according to researchers who conducted the ONSET-2 phase III trial, which randomized 758 subjects 1:1:1 to placebo, 0.6 mg/mL OC-01 (Varenicline) nasal...

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