Temporal bone fracture can cause posttraumatic deafness. Sequelae like ossification or obliteration of the cochlea can impact the outcome of cochlea implantation. This study highlights the effect of localisation of the fracture to morphologic, electric and functional criteria. The study group consists of patients suffering from hearing loss caused by temporal bone fracture ( = 61 ears). Patients were divided into otic capsule sparing (OCS) and otic capsule involving (OCI) fractures. The OCI group was additionally divided into subgroups with or without signs of ossification inside the cochlea. Postoperative imaging, hearing tests and electrode impedances were analysed. The results of postoperative hearing rehabilitation showed lower speech understanding scores for the OCI group, especially for the ossification group. OCI fractures with signs of ossification showed increased impedances. Patients in the OCI group suffered more frequently from facial nerve stimulation (FNS). FNS was most frequently observed within the ossification group. Cochlea implantation in patients with temporal bone fracture is adequate therapy for the treatment of fracture-induced deafness. In long-term observation, these patients show comparable results with regular cochlea implant (CI) patients. Implantation should be performed as soon as possible after hearing loss, before obstructing obliteration or ossification of the cochlea start.

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