Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is increasing, yet gaps exist in the understanding of psychological wellbeing of donors after liver transplant. This meta-analysis seeks to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for donor-related depression after liver transplantation.
A search was conducted on Medline and Embase database. Articles assessing incidence of depression in LDLT donors were included. Incidence was pooled after Freeman-Tukey double-arcsine transformation. For risk factors, dichotomous variables were analyzed with generalized linear model while a conventional meta regression with logit transformation was conducted for continuous variables.
Of 1,069 abstracts, 40 articles underwent full-text review. 17 articles were included. The pooled incidence of depression among 1,888 LT donors was 7.66% (CI: 4.47% – 12.80%). Depression rates were significantly higher in Asian compared to Western studies (RR: 1.73, CI: 1.19 – 2.52, p=0.0039). Female gender (p<0.001), Caucasian ethnicity (p=0.047), employment status (p<0.001) and lower education levels (p=0.044) were significantly associated with depression. Donor relationship with recipients was not a significant risk factor.
LDLT remains a core aspect of the treatment of end-stage liver disease. However, the high depression rates after LT suggest that there remains room for improvement in the care of donors’ mental health post-transplant.
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A Meta-Analysis on the Incidence of Donor Related Depression after Liver Transplant.

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