Photothermal-therapy (PTT) inculcates near-infrared laser guided local heating effect, where high degree of precision is expected, but not well proven to-date. An ex vivo tissue biochemical map with molecular/biochemical response showing the coverage area out of an optimized PTT procedure can reveal precision information. In this work, using Raman-microscopic mapping and linear discriminant analysis of spectra of PTT treated and surrounding tissue areas ex vivo is done, revealing three distinct spectral clusters/zones, with minimal overlap between the core treated and adjacent untreated zone. The core treated zone showed intense nucleic-acid, cytochrome/mitochondria and protein damage, an adjacent zone showed lesser degree of damages and far zone showed minimal/no damage. Immunohistochemistry for γH2AX (DNA damage marker protein) in PTT exposed tissue also revealed similar results. Altogether, this study reveals the utility of Raman-microspectroscopy for fine-tuning safety parameters and precision that can be achieved from PTT mediated tumor ablation in preclinical/clinical application.Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Raman Micro-spectroscopic Map estimating in vivo precision of tumor ablative effect achieved by photothermal therapy procedure.

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