This study examined whether the individual and organizational factors of ecological systems theory are associated with job satisfaction among nurses in South Korea.
Nursing shortages and high turnover rates are a global issue in healthcare settings, and job satisfaction is significantly associated with the turnover intention of nurses. Therefore, efforts to promote job satisfaction are needed to decrease the high turnover rates among nurses as well as promote care quality and patient safety.
A cross-sectional study was performed. This paper adhered to the STROBE guidelines.
A sample of 438 nurses working in five secondary or tertiary hospitals were surveyed. The study instruments included work-life balance, resilience, insomnia, and job satisfaction.
Using multilevel analysis, both individual and organizational factors were associated significantly with job satisfaction, and variance at the group level accounted for 19.98% of the total variance of job satisfaction. Among the individual factors, marital status, and work-life balance were significantly associated with job satisfaction. At the organizational level, the group mean resilience score was significantly associated with job satisfaction (p<0.05).
The psychosocial characteristics of individual nurses and their affiliated groups (nursing units) were significant in explaining the job satisfaction of nurses.
Both individual-focused and group-focused interventions are needed to improve job satisfaction and decrease the turnover intention.
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Influence of Group Resilience on Job Satisfaction Among Korean Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study.

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